custom/plugins/EmovaWbTheme/src/Resources/views/storefront/component/buy-widget/buy-widget.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. {% block buy_widget %}
  2.     {% set gesamtleistung = product.customFields.ev_wallboxdaten_gesamtleistung %}
  3.     {% set modulleistung = product.customFields.ev_wallboxdaten_modulleistung %}
  4.     {% set anzmodule = product.customFields.ev_wallboxdaten_anzmodule %}
  5.     {% set bulletpoint1 = product.customFields.ev_produktdaten_bulletpoint1 %}
  6.     {% set bulletpoint2 = product.customFields.ev_produktdaten_bulletpoint2 %}
  7.     {% set bulletpoint3 = product.customFields.ev_produktdaten_bulletpoint3 %}
  8.     {% set bulletpoint4 = product.customFields.ev_produktdaten_bulletpoint4 %}
  9.         {% set namespace = 'EmovaWbTheme' %}
  10.     {% set pack = 'default' %}
  11.     {% set id = %}
  12.     <div class="product-detail-buy{% if elementId %}-{{ elementId }}{% endif %} js-magnifier-zoom-image-container">
  13.         {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets %}
  14.             {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets_brand %}
  15.                 {% if product.manufacturer %}
  16.                     <div itemprop="brand" itemtype="" itemscope>
  17.                         <meta itemprop="name" content="{{ }}" />
  18.                     </div>
  19.                 {% endif %}
  20.             {% endblock %}
  21.             {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets_gtin13 %}
  22.                 {% if product.ean %}
  23.                     <meta itemprop="gtin13"
  24.                           content="{{ product.ean }}"/>
  25.                 {% endif %}
  26.             {% endblock %}
  27.             {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets_mpn %}
  28.                 {% if product.manufacturerNumber %}
  29.                     <meta itemprop="mpn"
  30.                           content="{{ product.manufacturerNumber }}"/>
  31.                 {% endif %}
  32.             {% endblock %}
  33.             {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets_weight %}
  34.                 {% if product.weight %}
  35.                     <meta itemprop="weight"
  36.                           content="{{ product.weight }} kg"/>
  37.                 {% endif %}
  38.             {% endblock %}
  39.             {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets_height %}
  40.                 {% if product.height %}
  41.                     <meta itemprop="height"
  42.                           content="{{ product.height }} mm"/>
  43.                 {% endif %}
  44.             {% endblock %}
  45.             {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets_width %}
  46.                 {% if product.width %}
  47.                     <meta itemprop="width"
  48.                           content="{{ product.width }} mm"/>
  49.                 {% endif %}
  50.             {% endblock %}
  51.             {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets_depth %}
  52.                 {% if product.length %}
  53.                     <meta itemprop="depth"
  54.                           content="{{ product.length }} mm"/>
  55.                 {% endif %}
  56.             {% endblock %}
  57.             {% block buy_widget_rich_snippets_release_date %}
  58.                 <meta itemprop="releaseDate"
  59.                       content="{{ product.releaseDate|format_date(pattern="Y-MM-dd", locale=app.request.locale) }}"/>
  60.             {% endblock %}
  61.         {% endblock %}
  62.         {% if not feature('FEATURE_NEXT_16992') %}
  63.             {# @deprecated tag:v6.5.0 tag:)(FEATURE_NEXT_16992) - Block will be removed in v6.5.0 #}
  64.             {% block buy_widget_not_available %}
  65.             {% endblock %}
  66.         {% endif %}
  67.         {% block buy_widget_buy_container %}
  68.             <div itemprop="offers"
  69.                  itemscope
  70.                  itemtype="{% if product.calculatedPrices|length > 1 %}{% else %}{% endif %}">
  71.                 <h2 style="color: #000; font-size:40px">{{ }}</h2>{# {{ dump(product) }} #}
  72.                 <div style="padding-top:10px">
  73. Es erwarten Sie bifaziale Solarmodule im Fullblack-Design, die durch TOPCon-Technologie auch bei höheren Temperaturen und Schwachlicht eine verbesserte Leistung ermöglichen.
  74.                 </div>
  75.                 <div style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px;">
  76.  <a href="{{ seoUrl('', { productId: id }) }}" title="{{ name }}"  style="opacity: .9; width:100%; margin:0 auto; text-decoration: underline;">mehr erfahren</a>
  77. </div>
  78.         <div style="padding-bottom:10px;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;gap: 0 10px;flex-wrap: wrap">
  79.             <span>
  80.                 <svg xmlns="" width="20" height="40" viewbox="20 0 20 80">
  81.                     <path transform="translate(-23,80) scale(0.1,-0.1)" fill="#000" stroke="none" d="M366 513 c-10 -49 -19 -96 -22 -105 -4 -15 1 -18 30 -18 34 0 36 -2
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  83.                     13 -6 29 -6 l30 0 -52 -85 c-33 -54 -58 -85 -69 -85 -15 0 -18 -9 -18 -47 0 -29 4 -43 9 -38 5 6 46 70 90 143 l81 132 -30 0 c-16 0 -30 3 -30 8 0 4 14 30
  84.                     30 57 16 28 30 53 30 58 0 4 -47 7 -104 7 l-103 0 -17 -87z"/>
  85.                 </svg>
  86.                 {{gesamtleistung}} Gesamtleistung
  87.             </span>
  88.             <span>
  89.                 <svg xmlns="" width="20" height="40" viewbox="20 0 20 80">
  90.                     <path transform="translate(-23,80) scale(0.1,-0.1)" fill="#000" stroke="none" d="M366 513 c-10 -49 -19 -96 -22 -105 -4 -15 1 -18 30 -18 34 0 36 -2
  91.                     36 -35 0 -24 5 -35 15 -35 11 0 15 12 15 45 0 45 0 45 -36 45 -29 0 -34 3 -30 18 3 9 10 45 17 80 l12 62 74 0 74 0 -30 -54 c-17 -29 -31 -56 -31 -60 0 -3
  92.                     13 -6 29 -6 l30 0 -52 -85 c-33 -54 -58 -85 -69 -85 -15 0 -18 -9 -18 -47 0 -29 4 -43 9 -38 5 6 46 70 90 143 l81 132 -30 0 c-16 0 -30 3 -30 8 0 4 14 30
  93.                     30 57 16 28 30 53 30 58 0 4 -47 7 -104 7 l-103 0 -17 -87z"/>
  94.                 </svg>
  95.                 {{modulleistung}} pro Modul &nbsp;&nbsp;
  96.             </span>
  97.             <span>
  98.                 <svg width="24" height="40" viewBox="0 0 24 25" xmlns="" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.25px" fill="none">
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  100.                 </svg>
  101.                 {{anzmodule}} Module
  102.             </span>
  103.         </div>
  104.     </div>
  105.     <div>
  106.         {% if bulletpoint1 is not empty or bulletpoint2 is not empty or
  107.             bulletpoint3 is not empty or bulletpoint4 is not empty %}
  108.         <ul class="landingbulletpoints">
  109.         {% if bulletpoint1 is not empty %}
  110.         <li>{{bulletpoint1}}{# {{ source('@' ~ namespace ~ '/assets/icon/'~ pack ~'/view-grid.svg') }} #}</li>
  111.         {% endif %}
  112.         {% if bulletpoint2 is not empty %}
  113.         <li>{{bulletpoint2}}</li>
  114.         {% endif %}
  115.         {% if bulletpoint3 is not empty %}
  116.         <li>{{bulletpoint3}}</li>
  117.         {% endif %}
  118.                 </ul>
  119.         {% endif %}
  120.     </div>
  121.                 {% block buy_widget_configurator_include %}
  122.                     {% if product.parentId and configuratorSettings|length > 0 %}
  123.                         <div class="product-detail-configurator-container">
  124.                             {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/buy-widget/configurator.html.twig' %}
  125.                         </div>
  126.                     {% endif %}
  127.                 {% endblock %}
  128.                 {% block buy_widget_buy_form %}
  129.                     {% if %}
  130.                         <div class="product-detail-form-container">
  131.                             {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/buy-widget/buy-widget-form.html.twig' %}
  132.                         </div>
  133.                     {% endif %}
  134.                 {% endblock %}
  135.                 {% block buy_widget_data %}
  136.                     {% block buy_widget_data_rich_snippet_url %}
  137.                         <meta itemprop="url"
  138.                               content="{{ seoUrl('', { productId: }) }}"/>
  139.                     {% endblock %}
  140.                     {% block buy_widget_data_rich_snippet_price_range %}
  141.                         {% if product.calculatedPrices|length > 1 %}
  142.                             {% set lowestPrice = false %}
  143.                             {% set highestPrice = false %}
  144.                             {% for price in product.calculatedPrices %}
  145.                                 {% if not lowestPrice or price.unitPrice < lowestPrice %}
  146.                                     {% set lowestPrice = price.unitPrice %}
  147.                                 {% endif %}
  148.                                 {% if not highestPrice or price.unitPrice > highestPrice %}
  149.                                     {% set highestPrice = price.unitPrice %}
  150.                                 {% endif %}
  151.                             {% endfor %}
  152.                             <meta itemprop="lowPrice" content="{{ lowestPrice }}"/>
  153.                             <meta itemprop="highPrice" content="{{ highestPrice }}"/>
  154.                             <meta itemprop="offerCount" content="{{ product.calculatedPrices|length }}"/>
  155.                         {% endif %}
  156.                     {% endblock %}
  157.                     {% block buy_widget_data_rich_snippet_price_currency %}
  158.                         <meta itemprop="priceCurrency"
  159.                               content="{{ context.currency.translated.shortName }}"/>
  160.                     {% endblock %}
  161.                     {% block buy_widget_price %}
  162.                         <div class="product-detail-price-container">
  163.                             {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/buy-widget/buy-widget-price-landing.html.twig' %}
  164.                         </div>
  165.                     {% endblock %}
  166.                     {% block buy_widget_tax %}
  167.                         <div class="product-detail-tax-container" style="display: none">{# block muss drin, soll aber unsichtbar sein #}
  168.                             {% if context.taxState == "gross" %}
  169.                                 {% set taxText = "general.grossTaxInformation"|trans|sw_sanitize %}
  170.                             {% else %}
  171.                                 {% set taxText = "general.netTaxInformation"|trans|sw_sanitize %}
  172.                             {% endif %}
  173.                             <p class="product-detail-tax">
  174.                                 {% block page_product_detail_tax_link %}
  175.                                     <a class="product-detail-tax-link"
  176.                                        href="{{ path('',{ id: config('core.basicInformation.shippingPaymentInfoPage') }) }}"
  177.                                        title="{{ taxText }}"
  178.                                     {{ dataBsToggleAttr }}="modal"
  179.                                     data-url="{{ path('',{ id: config('core.basicInformation.shippingPaymentInfoPage') }) }}">
  180.                                     {{ taxText }}
  181.                                     </a>
  182.                                 {% endblock %}
  183.                             </p>
  184.                         </div>
  185.                     {% endblock %}
  186.                     {# @deprecated tag:v6.5.0 - Will be removed - The variable will be moved into block `buy_widget_reviews` #}
  187.                     {% set remoteClickOptions = {
  188.                         selector: "#review-tab-" ~,
  189.                         scrollToElement: true
  190.                     } %}
  191.                     {# @deprecated tag:v6.5.0 - Will be removed - The variable will be moved into block `buy_widget_reviews` #}
  192.                     {% set reviewTabHref = "#review-tab-" ~ ~ "-pane" %}
  193.                     {% block buy_widget_reviews %}
  194.                         {% if product.ratingAverage > 0 and totalReviews > 0 and config('core.listing.showReview') %}
  195.                             {% if remoteClickOptions is not defined %}
  196.                                 {% set remoteClickOptions = {
  197.                                     selector: "#review-tab-" ~,
  198.                                     scrollToElement: true
  199.                                 } %}
  200.                             {% endif %}
  201.                             {% if reviewTabHref is not defined %}
  202.                                 {% set reviewTabHref = "#review-tab-" ~ ~ "-pane" %}
  203.                             {% endif %}
  204.                             <div class="product-detail-reviews">
  205.                                 {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/review/rating.html.twig' with {
  206.                                     points: product.ratingAverage,
  207.                                     style: 'text-primary'
  208.                                 } %}
  209.                                 <a {{ dataBsToggleAttr }}="tab"
  210.                                 class="product-detail-reviews-link"
  211.                                 data-offcanvas-tabs="true"
  212.                                 data-remote-click="true"
  213.                                 data-remote-click-options='{{ remoteClickOptions|json_encode }}'
  214.                                 href="{{ reviewTabHref }}"
  215.                                 aria-controls="review-tab-pane">
  216.                                 {{ totalReviews }}
  217.                                 {{ "detail.reviewLinkText"|trans({'%count%': totalReviews})|sw_sanitize }}
  218.                                 </a>
  219.                             </div>
  220.                         {% endif %}
  221.                     {% endblock %}
  222.                     {% block buy_widget_delivery_informations %}
  223.                     {% endblock %}
  224.                 {% endblock %}
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  226.         {% endblock %}
  227.         {% if config('core.cart.wishlistEnabled') %}
  228.             {% block buy_widget_wishlist %}
  229.                 {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/component/product/card/wishlist.html.twig' with {
  230.                     showText: true,
  231.                     size: 'md',
  232.                     productId:
  233.                 } %}
  234.             {% endblock %}
  235.         {% endif %}
  236.         {% block buy_widget_ordernumber_container %}
  237. {#            {% if product.productNumber %}
  238.                 <div class="product-detail-ordernumber-container">
  239.                     {% block buy_widget_ordernumber_label %}
  240.                         <span class="product-detail-ordernumber-label">
  241.                             {{ "detail.productNumberLabel"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  242.                         </span>
  243.                     {% endblock %}
  244.                     {% block buy_widget_ordernumber %}
  245.                         <meta itemprop="productID"
  246.                               content="{{ }}"/>
  247.                         <span class="product-detail-ordernumber"
  248.                               itemprop="sku">
  249.                             {{ product.productNumber }}
  250.                         </span>
  251.                     {% endblock %}
  252.                 </div>
  253.             {% endif %}  #}
  254.         {% endblock %}
  255.     </div>
  256. {% endblock %}